Why Your Theology is Garbage

This is a Kingdom fundamental we shouldn’t forget—or put aside or ignore—only the Holy Spirit illuminates Scriptures for us. Definitely NOT theology. Some smart Alecks claim God uses theology to explain Scriptures to us. Well, Paul the apostle clearly junked everything he got previously from all sources, theology included. He said without doing this you … Continue reading Why Your Theology is Garbage

Why I Very Seldom Invite People to Church

It’s been a basic in ministry to invite and follow up. I used to do them, but not anymore, simply because Jesus very seldom did them, if any. Some say he invited the disciples. He didn’t. He called them. Invitation is optional. You may or may not come. But when God calls you, you simply … Continue reading Why I Very Seldom Invite People to Church

Tapping Into Heaven’s Provisions

Jesus never begged or asked for solicitations. What he modeled was tapping into supernatural provisions. He is the Way, and if we are true followers, we should learn his ways, like this Kingdom logistics technology, and do what Jesus said about the “greater things” we can do through him, than beg. But smart Alecks would … Continue reading Tapping Into Heaven’s Provisions

A Semblance of Spirituality But Zero in Power

You see a lot of “spiritual” church people today. The notion is, as long as you cling to man’s church tradition, you are spiritual. As long as you mouth bible verses and appear formal and decent and churchy. Worse, others think it’s about not laughing too much in public. So you see them thus on … Continue reading A Semblance of Spirituality But Zero in Power

Why Moses Got a No Answer

Just because he refused talking to a rock, Moses was given a “no” answer. But that was Moses in the Old Covenant. Moses was a faithful servant in all God’s house, but Christ is a faithful Son “over God’s house.” And we are in HIM, not in Moses. We live inside the One who is … Continue reading Why Moses Got a No Answer

Turning No to Yes

Now, her story is something else and no less than Jesus marveled about her faith. I’ve been doing a series on prophetic prayer—which is real prayer—(here’s the previous article) and I’m sharing my discoveries on how God always says yes to our prayers. There’s never a no answer from him. This passage reveals so much. … Continue reading Turning No to Yes

Why Our Prayers for Miracles Sink

Again they say that God answers only our “urgent needs,” not wants or desires or caprices. Yeah? Was walking on water an urgent need? I mean, would Peter die if he didn’t walk on water? He wouldn’t. He didn’t need it. It wasn’t an urgent need. It was pure whim. He saw Jesus walking on … Continue reading Why Our Prayers for Miracles Sink

Why We Fear Real Prayers

Photo by Nina Uhlu00edkovu00e1 on Pexels.com The idea that God sometimes answers “no” (previous article here) is a last ditch, face-saving attempt to save ourselves from humiliation and indignity each time nothing happens with our prayers. We pray for healing but the patient dies. We pray for food for the hungry but we end up soliciting … Continue reading Why We Fear Real Prayers

Why Jesus Never Prayed as We Do Today

I wonder where we got the idea that God sometimes gives us a “no” answer. How did that teaching sneak into the church? It’s Jesus who taught us to pray, and his prayers never got a “no.” In fact, he never said anything about the possibility of getting a no from God. All he taught … Continue reading Why Jesus Never Prayed as We Do Today

I Thought the Gospel Incited Persecution

Often, churches today share the Gospel to a community and be liked there. They become a friend of the community. Perhaps this is good. Perhaps this is the apt and effective end result. We applaud churches like this. They’re models. You even see pastors working comfortably with or for politicians, serving as their “spiritual adviser.” … Continue reading I Thought the Gospel Incited Persecution